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*** 湯包並不含新鮮肉類和蔬茶

*** Soup pack does not include meat/ vegetables.

蟲草花瑤柱粟米豬骨湯 Pork bone soup with Dried Cordyceps Flower and Scallop

  • 此湯可溫潤滋補,提高身體免疫力。蟲草花能益肝腎,抗氧化。芡實可健脾益胃,瑤柱亦有滋陰養血功能 

    This soup can be moisturizing and nourishing, and improve the body's immunity. Cordyceps flower can benefit the liver and kidneys and is antioxidant.

  • 蟲草花, 瑤柱, 茨實, 枸杞, 蜜棗

    Dried Cordyceps Flower,Dried Scallop,Dried Euryale seeds,Babury Wolfberry Fruit,Jujube 

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